Petrogradskaya side is the oldest inhabited part of Saint Petersburg. Here stands the first residence of the future city – a simple wooden cabin that belonged to Peter the Great. Trinity church, the first one in the city, also once was there; working settlements of the builders of Peter-and-Paul Fortress have also been located here. However, the powerful current of Neva river separated Petrogradskaya side from the left bank on which the Admiralty has become the focal point of the portuary city; therefore, until the very beginning of XX century, Petrogradsky island remained largely peripheral.

Troitsky (Trinity) bridge, built in 1903, has opened a new chapter in the island’s life. Along its axis, a luxurious Kamennoostrovsky prospekt was laid down. In mere ten years, it has become one of the most fashionable avenues in Europe. Every building has its own story to tell, and their ensemble is a living memory of the “Silver age” of the city marked by the Nordic Art Nouveau architecture.

Starting at: Trinity bridge;
Finishing at: Leo Tolstoy square
Duration: 3 hours

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